
Ladakh and Leh - Landscapes like Mars

North India is a fascinating destination not to be missed.  

Set against the imposing snowy-peaked backdrop of the mighty Himalayas, there are few places with such a long history, diverse culture and complex mix of people and religions.

Explore the age-old Buddhist monasteries and ancient culture in these remote villages on one of our day walks.

It's a short flight away from Delhi. From Manali you can go over Tanglangla Pass 5328m one of the second highest road on earth or on foot you can trek from Kelong, Darcha or from Spiti – Kibber via Parangla Pass 5380m and explore Tso-Morari Lake or special Chham Tibetan Dane ceremony at Karjok monastery.

Ladakh almost looks like Mars with its wild mountains and high altitude passes and remote communities living in the wilderness of the almighty Himalayas.

Blessed with the Indus river and bordered by the Karakoram and the Himalayas, the landscape is breath-taking and the perfect region to explore on foot.

Markha Valley is one of the best options for trekkers or a few short trips can be added on to your itinerary to make most of Ladakh.

Add on these places below in Ladakh with your tour LADAKH SPECIAL - 04 Nights / 05 Days Destination:

Leh - Khardongla Pass - Shey - Thiksey - Hemis - Hall of Fame - Sangam - Magnetic Hill - Leh.

"Landscapes like Mars..."

"Wild Mountains and High Passes"